Juices and Coolants

Jamoon is also known as Jambul, Jaman, black plum or Indian blackberry. Jamoon or Indian blackberry is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is also a good source of Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, calcium and potassium which makes it great for boosting immunity and bone strength.

Jamun fruit is a mixture of sweet slightly sub acid spicy flavor that stands out even after eaten, since it turns the tongue into purple color. The fruit is universally accepted to be very good for medicinal purposes especially for diabetics as it has low glycaemia index.  Each and every part of Jamoon tree is very useful.

The seeds are used in herbal tea for diabetics and also seeds can be dried and powdered and taken with curd or water for diabetics.

Today I am posting a nutritious smoothie using Jamoon and tender coconut.


Purple Jamoons                                                15

Tender coconut water and pulp                 1

Chilled water                                                     1 glass

Mint leaves                                                        6 – 7

Sugar                                                                     3 tsp

Salt                                                                         ½ tsp

Procedure for preparing Jamoon Tender Coconut Smoothie:

  1. Remove seeds from Jamoons and add jamoons, tender coconut water and coconut pulp in a blender. Blend it well.
  2. Strain the jamoon – coconut mixture into a bowl.
  3. Add to the smoothie one glass of chilled water, salt and sugar and mix well.
  4. Pour the smoothie into a tall glass and serve with mint leaves. Serve it immediately.

Nutritious Jamoon Tender Coconut Smoothie is ready.


  • You can increase/decrease the sugar according to your taste.

Do refer for more smoothie recipes:

Cool Mango Sugarcane Coconut Milk Smoothie

Banana Peanut Smoothie

Apple – Banana Smoothie

Musk Melon Custard Smoothie




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