Snacks & Salads

Roasted Salted Peanuts is a simple and easy recipe. It requires only three ingredients and its preparations

time is also less. It is equally enjoyed both by adults and kids. It is a healthy snack which is also oil-free.

Do try this Crispy Roasted Salted Peanuts.


Peanuts / Groundnuts          3 cups

Water                                         1 tbsp

Salt                                              1 ½ tsp


  1. In a small bowl mix water and salt thoroughly.
  2. Heat a thick bottom pan add to it peanuts and dry roast them on medium to low flame. Roast them till it is almost done.
  3. Reduce the flame to low and add the salty water and roast the peanuts continuously. In the beginning they look wet. Roast for almost 3 – 4 minutes. By now the peanuts are coated with salt. Put off the flame.
  4. Tasty crispy roasted peanuts are ready.

Do try our other Peanuts/Groundnut recipes:


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